2017年 发表论文统计表
序号 |
论文题目 |
本单位作者(仅填第一或通讯作者) |
期刊名称 |
期刊ISSN |
卷期号 |
起止页码 |
论文类型 |
1 |
Crop Breeding Chips and Genotyping Platforms: Progress, Challenges, and Perspectives |
何中虎 |
Molecular Plant |
1674-2052 |
10 |
1047-1064 |
JCR学科排名第一,或影响因子高于8的期刊 |
2 |
The G-protein β subunit AGB1 promotes hypocotyl elongation through inhibiting transcription activation function of BBX21 in Arabidopsis |
马有志 |
Molecular plant |
1674-2052 |
10 |
1206–1223 |
JCR学科排名第一,或影响因子高于8的期刊 |
3 |
The U6 biogenesis like 1 plays an important role in maize kernel and seedling development by affecting the 3’ end processing of U6 snRNA |
王国英 |
Molecular Plant |
1674-2052 |
10(3) |
470-482 |
JCR学科排名第一,或影响因子高于8的期刊 |
4 |
Generation of targeted point mutations in rice by a modified CRISPR/Cas9 system |
夏兰琴 |
Molecular Plant |
1674-2052 |
10 |
526-529 |
JCR学科排名第一,或影响因子高于8的期刊 |
5 |
Regulation of seed vigor by manipulation of raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs) in maize and Arabidopsis |
王国英 |
Molecular Plant |
1674-2052 |
DOI 10.1016/j.molp.2017.10.014 |
JCR学科排名第一,或影响因子高于8的期刊 |
6 |
Regulation of FT splicing by an endogenous cue in temperate grasses. |
毛龙 |
Nature Communications |
2041-1723 |
8 |
14320 |
JCR学科排名第一,或影响因子高于8的期刊 |
7 |
A TRIM insertion in the promoter of Ms2 causes male sterility in wheat |
孔秀英 |
Nature Communications |
2041-1723 |
8 |
15407 |
JCR学科排名第一,或影响因子高于8的期刊 |
8 |
GW5 acts in the brassinosteroid signalling pathway to regulate grain width and weight in rice. |
万建民 |
Nature Plants |
2055-026X |
3 |
17043 |
JCR学科排名第一,或影响因子高于8的期刊 |
9 |
The Aegilops tauschii genome reveals multiple impacts of transposons |
贾继增 |
Nature Plants |
2055-026X |
3 |
946–955 |
JCR学科排名第一,或影响因子高于8的期刊 |
10 |
Higher yields and lower methane emissions with new rice cultivars |
张卫建 |
Global Change Biology |
1365-2486 |
2017,23 |
4728–4738 |
JCR学科排名第一,或影响因子高于8的期刊 |
11 |
RPAN: rice pan-genome browser for∼ 3000 rice genomes |
黎志康 |
Nucleic acids research |
0305-1048 |
45(2) |
597-605 |
JCR学科排名第一,或影响因子高于8的期刊 |
12 |
Development of Monoclonal Antibodies Recognizing Linear Epitope: Illustration by Three Bacillus thuringiensis Crystal Proteins of Genetically Modified Cotton, Maize, and Tobacco |
刘允军 |
Journal of Agricultrual and Food Chemsitry |
0021-8561 |
65 |
10115-10122 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
13 |
Low concentration of sodium bicarbonate improves the bioactive compound levels and antioxidant and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities of tartary buckwheat sprouts |
任贵兴 |
Food Chemistry |
0308-8146 |
224 |
124-130 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
14 |
Improved antimicrobial effect of ginseng extract by heat transformation |
任贵兴 |
Journal of Ginseng Research |
1226-8453 |
41(2) |
180-187 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
15 |
TSV, a putative plastidic oxidoreductase, protects rice chloroplasts from cold stress during development by interacting with plastidic thioredoxin Z. 2017 Jul; |
万建民 |
New Phytologist |
0028-646X |
215(1) |
240-255 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
16 |
Nitrogen Limitation Adaptation(NLA)is involved in source-to-sink remobilization of nitrate by mediating degradation of NRT1.7 in Arabidopsis |
李文学 |
New Phytologist |
0028-646X |
214(2) |
734-744 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
17 |
Functional diversification of flowering locus T homologs in soybean: GmFT1a and GmFT2a/5a have opposite roles in controlling flowering and maturation |
韩天富 |
New Phytologist |
0028-646X |
DOI 10.1111/nph.14884 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
18 |
Construction of Agropyron Gaertn. genetic linkage maps using a wheat 660K SNP array reveals a homoeologous relationship with the wheat genome |
李立会 |
Plant Biotechnology Journal |
1467-7644 |
15 |
1–10 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
19 |
ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase genes, associated with kernel weight, underwent selection during wheat domestication and breeding. |
张学勇 |
Plant Biotechnology Journal |
1467-7644 |
15(12) |
1533-1543 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
20 |
RNA-guided Cas9 as an in vivo desired-target mutator in maize |
谢传晓 |
Plant Biotechnology Journal |
1467-7644 |
15(12) |
1566-1576 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
21 |
Generation of marker-free transgenic hexaploid wheat via an Agrobacterium-mediated co-transformation strategy in commercial Chinese wheat varieties |
叶兴国 |
Plant Biotechnology Journal |
1467-7644 |
15(5) |
614-623 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
22 |
The wheat NB-LRR gene TaRCR1 is required for host defence response to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia cerealis |
张增艳 |
Plant Biotechnology Journal |
1467-7644 |
15 (6) |
674-687 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
23 |
Functional regulation of Q by microRNA172 and transcriptional co-repressor TOPLESS in controlling bread wheat spikelet density |
孙加强 |
Plant Biotechnology Journal |
1467-7644 |
DOI 10.1111/pbi.12790 |
Epub ahead of print |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
24 |
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis of GmFT2a delays flowering time in soya bean |
侯文胜 |
Plant Biotechnology Journal |
1467-7644 |
DOI 10.1111/pbi.12758 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
25 |
Functional conservation and divergence among homoeologs of TaSPL20 and TaSPL21, two SBP-Box genes governing yield-related traits in hexaploid wheat |
景蕊莲 |
Plant Physiology |
0032-0889 |
174 |
1177–1191 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
26 |
Two SUMO proteases SUMO PROTEASE RELATED TO FERTILITY 1 and -2 are required for fertility |
陈福禄 |
Plant Physiology |
0032-0889 |
175(4) |
1703-1719 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
27 |
Transcriptome of wheat inflorescence development from spikelet initiation to floral patterning. |
毛龙 |
Plant Physiology |
0032-0889 |
174(3) |
1779-1794 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
28 |
miR156-Targeted SBP-Box Transcription Factors Interact with DWARF53 to Regulate TEOSINTE BRANCHED1 and BARREN STALK1 Expression in Bread Wheat |
孙加强 |
Plant Physiology |
0032-0889 |
174 (3) |
1931-1948 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
29 |
The LBD12-1 Transcription Factor Suppresses Apical Meristem Size by Repressing Argonaute 10 Expression. |
万建民 |
Plant Physiology |
0032-0889 |
173(1) |
801-811 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
30 |
Characterization and fine mapping of qkc7.03: a major locus for kernel cracking in maize |
王天宇 |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
130 |
1-12 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
31 |
Next‑generation sequencing to identify candidate genes and develop diagnostic markers for a novel Phytophthora resistance gene, RpsHC18, in soybean |
朱振东 |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
130 |
1-14 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
32 |
Analysis of the genetic architecture of maize ear and grain morphological traits by combined linkage and association mapping |
李新海 |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
130 |
1011-1029 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
33 |
Mapping of novel powdery mildew resistance gene(s) from Agropyron cristatum chromosome 2P |
李立会 |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
130 |
109–121 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
34 |
Genetic mapping and development of co-segregating markers of RpsQ, which provides resistance to Phytophthora sojae in soybean |
朱振东 |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
130 |
1223-1233 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
35 |
High-resolution mapping of QTL for fatty acid composition in soybean using specific-locus amplified fragment sequencing |
孙君明 |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
130 |
1467-1479 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
36 |
Development and comparative genomic mapping of Dasypyrum villosum 6V#4S‑specific PCR markers using transcriptome data |
叶兴国 |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
130 |
2057-2068 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
37 |
Quantitative trait locus mapping under irrigated and drought treatments based on a novel genetic linkage map in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) |
王述民 |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
130 |
2375–2393 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
38 |
The seed dormancy allele TaSdr.A1a associated with pre.harvest sprouting tolerance is mainly present in Chinese wheat landraces |
何中虎 |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
130 |
81-89 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
39 |
Examining two sets of introgression lines reveals backgroundindependent and stably expressed QTL that improve grain appearance quality in rice (Oryza sativa L.) |
徐建龙 |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
130 |
951–967 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
40 |
Development of a set of PCR markers specific to Aegilops longissima chromosome arms and application in breeding a translocation line |
叶兴国 |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
DOI 10.1007/s00122-017-2982-5 |
JCR排名前5%期刊 |
41 |
The abundance of homoeologue transcripts is disrupted by hybridization and is partially restored by genome doubling in synthetic hexaploid wheat. |
毛龙 |
BMC Genomics |
1471-2164 |
18(1) |
149 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
42 |
Novel mutant alleles of the starch synthesis gene TaSSIVb-D result in the reduction of starch granule number per chloroplast in wheat |
刘录祥 |
BMC Genomics |
1471-2164 |
18(1) |
358 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
43 |
Genome-wide characterization of non-reference transposable element insertion polymorphisms reveals genetic diversity in tropical and temperate maize |
BMC Genomics |
1471-2164 |
18(1) |
702 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
44 |
QTL mapping and candidate gene analysis of ferrous iron and zinc toxicity tolerance at seedling stage in rice by genome-wide association study |
徐建龙 |
BMC Genomics |
1471-2164 |
18 |
828 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
45 |
Association mapping of loci controlling genetic and environmental interaction of soybean flowering time under various photo-thermal conditions |
韩天富 |
BMC Genomics |
1471-2164 |
18(1) |
415-432 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
46 |
Development of a maize 55K SNP array with improved genome coverage for molecular breeding |
邹枨 |
Molecular Breeding |
1380-3743 |
37 |
1 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
47 |
Molecular characteristics of two new waxy mutations in China waxy maize |
李立会 |
Molecular Breeding |
1380-3743 |
27 |
37 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
48 |
Identification of quantitative trait loci for resistance to rice black-streaked dwarf virus disease and small brown planthopper in rice. |
万建民 |
Molecular Breeding |
1380-3743 |
37 |
72 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
49 |
Cloning of TaTPP-6AL1 associated with grain weight in bread wheat and development of functional marker |
曹双河 |
Molecular Breeding |
1380-3743 |
37 |
78 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
50 |
Selection of soybean elite cultivars based on phenotypic and genomic characters related to lodging tolerance |
邱丽娟 |
Plant Breeding |
1923-8267 |
136 |
42747 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
51 |
Characterization of maize male sterile 2 mutant by phenotypic and RNA sequencing analyses |
刘允军 |
Plant Breeding |
1923-8266 |
136 |
319-330 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
52 |
Lethal albinic seedling, encoding a threonyl-tRNA synthetase, is involved in development of plastid protein synthesis system in rice. |
万建民 |
Plant Cell Reports |
1432-203X |
36 |
1053–1064 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
53 |
OPEN GLUME1: akey enzyme reducing the precursor of JA, participates in carbohydrate transport of lodicules during anthesis in rice |
万建民 |
Plant Cell Reports |
1432-203X |
DOI org/10.1007/s00299-017-2232-y |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
54 |
Rice black-streaked dwarf virus genome in China: diversification, phylogeny, and selection |
李新海 |
Plant Disease |
0191-2917 |
101 |
1588-1596 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
55 |
An emerging disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola threatens mung bean production in China |
孙素丽 |
Plant Disease |
0191-2917 |
101(1) |
95-102 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
56 |
Functional characterization of rice CW-domain containing zinc finger proteins involved in histone recognition |
万建民 |
Plant Science |
0168-9452 |
263 |
168-176 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
57 |
OsCOL16, encoding a CONSTANS-like protein, represses flowering by up-regulating Ghd7, expression in rice |
郑晓明 |
Plant Science |
0168-9452 |
260 |
60-69 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
58 |
Phenotypic Characterization and Genetic Dissection of Nine Agronomic Traits in Tokachi nagaha and its derived cultivars in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). |
李慧慧 |
Plant Science |
0168-9452 |
256 |
72-86 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
59 |
Phenotypic characterization and genetic dissection of nine agronomic traits in Tokachi nagaha and its derived cultivars in soybean |
刘章雄 |
PlantScience |
0168-9452 |
256 |
72-86 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
60 |
SGD1, a key enzyme in tocopherol biosynthesis, is essential for plant development and cold tolerance in rice. 2017 Jul;. |
万建民 |
Plant Science |
0168-9452 |
260 |
90-100 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
61 |
Genome-wide association mapping of QTL underlying seed oil and protein contents of a diverse panel of soybean accessions |
李英慧 |
Plant Science |
0168-9452 |
266 |
95-101 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
62 |
Mutations in the MIT3 gene encoding a caroteniod isomerase lead to increased tiller number in rice. |
李学勇 |
Plant Science |
0168-9452 |
DOI 10.1016/j.plantsci.2017.11.001 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
63 |
Isolation and application of P genome-specific DNA of Agropyron Gaertn. in Triticeaesequences |
李立会 |
Planta |
1432-2049 |
245 |
425–437 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
64 |
Young Seedling Stripe1 encodes a chloroplast nucleoid-associated protein required for chloroplast development in rice seedlings |
万建民 |
Planta |
1432-2048 |
245 |
45-60 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
65 |
MicroRNA319-regulated TCPs interact with FBHs and PFT1 to activate CO transcription and control flowering time in Arabidopsis |
孙加强 |
PLoS Genetics |
1553-7404 |
13(5) |
e1006833 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
66 |
OsCNGC13 promotes seed-setting rate by facilitating pollen tube growth in stylar tissues |
万建民 |
PLOS Genetics |
1553-7404 |
13(7): |
e1006906 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
67 |
A Gene-Oriented Haplotype Comparison Reveals Recently Selected Genomic Regions in Temperate and Tropical Maize Germplasm |
王国英 |
1932-6203 |
12(1) |
e0169806 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
68 |
Mapping and genetic structure analysis of the anthracnose resistance locus Co-1HY in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) |
王述民 |
1932-6203 |
12(1) |
e0169954 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
69 |
Transcriptome analysis of hexaploid hulless oat in response to salinity stress. |
张宗文 |
1932-6203 |
12(2) |
e0171451 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
70 |
Genetic variation of maturity groups and four E genes in the Chinese soybean mini core collection |
韩天富 |
1932-6203 |
12(2) |
e0172106 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
71 |
Harnessing the hidden genetic diversity for improving multiple abiotic stress tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) |
黎志康 |
1932-6203 |
12(3) |
e0172515 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
72 |
Mutations in the maize zeta-carotene desaturase gene lead to viviparous kernel |
王国英 |
1932-6203 |
12(3) |
e0174270 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
73 |
Genome-wide association analysis identifies resistance loci for bacterial blight in a diverse |
徐建龙 |
1932-6203 |
12(3) |
e0174598 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
74 |
Subsoiling practices change root distribution and increase post-anthesis dry matter accumulation and yield in summer maize |
赵明 |
1932-6203 |
12(4) |
e0174952 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
75 |
Chromosomal localization of genes conferring desirable agronomic traits from Agropyron cristatum chromosome 1P |
李立会 |
1932-6203 |
12(4) |
e0175265 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
76 |
Genetic structure and isolation by altitude in rice landraces of Yunnan, China |
韩龙植 |
1932-6203 |
2(4) |
e0175731 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
77 |
GmDREB1 Overexpression Affects the Expression of MicroRNA in GM Wheat Seeds |
张辉 |
1932-6203 |
12(5) |
e0175924 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
78 |
Transcriptome and proteomic analyses reveal multiple differences associated with chloroplast development in the spaceflight-induced wheat albino mutant mta |
刘录祥 |
1932-6203 |
12(5) |
e0177992 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
79 |
Loose Panicle1 encoding a novel WRKY transcription factor, regulates panicle development, stem elongation, and seed size in foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.] |
刁现民 |
1932-6203 |
12(6) |
e0178730 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
80 |
Genome-wide identification of gene expression in contrasting maize inbred lines under field drought conditions reveals the significance of transcription factors in drought tolerance |
黎裕 |
1932-6203 |
12(7) |
e0179477 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
81 |
OsMPH1 regulates plant height and improves grain yield in rice |
刘斌 |
1932-6203 |
12 |
e0180825 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
82 |
Promoter variants of Xa23 alleles affect bacterial blight resistance and evolutionary pattern |
赵开军 |
1932-6203 |
12(10) |
e0185925 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
83 |
Differential Transcriptome Profiling of Chilling Stress Response between Shoots and Rhizomes of Oryza longistaminata Using RNA Sequencing |
傅彬英 |
1932-6203 |
12(11) |
e0188625 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
84 |
Transcriptome analysis of filling stage seeds among three buckwheat species with emphasis on rutin accumulation |
张宗文 |
1932-6203 |
12(12) |
e0189672 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
85 |
Inferring the evolutionary mechanism of the chloroplast genome size by comparing whole-chloroplast genome sequences in seed plants |
郑晓明 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
1555 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
86 |
TaPIMP2, a pathogen-induced MYB protein in wheat, contributes to host resistance to common root rot caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana |
张增艳 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
1754 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
87 |
Fast diffusion of domesticated maize to temperate zones |
邹枨 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
2077 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
88 |
RNAseq analysis reveals pathways and candidate genes associated with salinity tolerance in a spaceflight-induced wheat mutant |
刘录祥 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
2731 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
89 |
Utilization of a Wheat660K SNP array-derived high-density genetic map for high-resolution mapping of a major QTL for kernel number |
贾继增 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
3788 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
90 |
Marker-trait association analysis of frost tolerance of 672 worldwide pea (Pisum sativum L.) collections |
宗绪晓 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
5919 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
91 |
Maize (Zea mays L.) genome size indicated by 180-bp knob abundance is associated with flowering time |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
5954 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
92 |
Comprehensive molecular analysis of arginase-encoding genes in common wheat and its progenitor species |
叶兴国 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
6641 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
93 |
Genotype-specific physiological and transcriptomic responses to drought stress in Setaria italica (an emerging model for Panicoideae grasses) |
汤沙 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
10009 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
94 |
Allelic variation of the rice blast resistance gene Pid3 in cultivated rice worldwide |
郑天清 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7(1) |
10362 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
95 |
Genome-wide association study identified multiple genetic loci on chilling resistance during germination in maize |
王天宇 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
10840 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
96 |
The rice TRIANGULAR HULL1 protein acts as a transcriptional repressor in regulating lateral development of spikelet |
李学勇 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
13712 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
97 |
Transcriptonal responses of wheat and the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera avenae during their early contact stage |
李洪杰 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
14471 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
98 |
Detection of genomic loci associated with chromosomal recombination using high-density linkage mapping in Setaria |
贾冠清 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
15180 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
99 |
Genome-wide proteomic profiling reveals the role of dominance protein expression in heterosis in immature maize ears |
黄长玲 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
16130 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
100 |
OsBT1 encodes an ADP-glucose transporter involved in starch synthesis and compound granule formation in rice endosperm |
万建民 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
40124 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
101 |
Development of a multiple-hybrid population for genome-wide association studies: theoretical consideration and genetic mapping of flowering traits in maize |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
6 |
40239 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
102 |
Proteomic and Carbonylation Profile Analysis at the Critical Node of Seed Ageing in Oryza sativa. |
卢新雄 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
40611 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
103 |
The iSelect 9K SNP analysis revealed polyploidization induced revolutionary changes and intense human selection causing strong haplotype blocks in wheat. |
张学勇 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
41247 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
104 |
Isolation and characterization of a spotted leaf 32 mutant with early leaf senescence and enhanced defense response in rice. |
万建民 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
41846 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
105 |
Unbiased K-mer Analysis Reveals Changes in Copy Number of Highly Repetitive Sequences During Maize Domestication and Improvement |
王国英 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
42444 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
106 |
Improved drought tolerance in wheat plants overexpressing a synthetic bacterial cold shock protein gene SeCspA |
马有志 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
44050 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
107 |
Candidate loci involved in domestication and improvement detected by a published 90K wheat SNP array |
贾继增 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
7 |
44530 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
108 |
Genome-wide and gene-based association mapping for rice eating and cooking characteristics and protein content |
黎志康 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
Accepted |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
109 |
A resource of large-scale molecular markers for onitoring Agropyron cristatum chromatin introgression in wheat background based on transcriptome sequences |
李立会 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
DOI 10.1038/s41598-017-12219-4 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
110 |
Significant residual effects of wheat fertilization on greenhouse gas emissions in succeeding soybean growing season |
张卫建 |
Soil and Tillage Research |
0167-1987 |
169 |
7-15 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
111 |
Effects of deep vertical rotary tillage on dry matter accumulation and grain yield of summer maize in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China |
李少昆 |
Soil and Tillage Research |
0167-1987 |
170 |
167-174 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
112 |
Genome-wide association study of salt tolerance at the seed germination stage in rice |
黎志康 |
BMC Plant Biology |
1471-2229 |
17 |
92 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
113 |
Genome-wide association mapping of black point reaction in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) |
何中虎 |
BMC Plant Biology |
1471-2229 |
17 |
220 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
114 |
Stem lodging parameters of the basal three internodes associated with population densities and developmental stages in foxtail millet cultivars differing in resistance to lodging |
李洪杰 |
Crop and Pasture Science |
1836-0947 |
68(4) |
349-357 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
115 |
Detached-petiole inoculation method to evaluate Phytophthora root rot resistance in soybean plants |
朱振东 |
Crop and Pasture Science |
1836-0947 |
68(7) |
555-560 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
116 |
Adjusting maize plant density to different climatic conditions across a large longitudinal distance in China |
李少昆 |
Field Crops Research |
0378-4290 |
212 |
126–134 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
117 |
Optimizing water use efficiency and economic return of super high yield spring maize under drip irrigation and plastic mulching in arid areas of China |
李少昆 |
Field Crops Research |
0378-4290 |
211 |
137–146 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
118 |
Trends in drought tolerance in Chinese maize cultivars from the 1950s to the 2000s |
李明顺 |
Field Crops Research |
0378-4290 |
201 |
175-183 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
119 |
Nighttime warming increases winter-sown wheat yield across major Chinese cropping regions |
张卫建 |
Field Crops Research |
0378-4290 |
214 |
202-210 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
120 |
Canopy characteristics of high-yield maize with yield potential of 22.5 Mg ha-1 |
李少昆 |
Field Crops Research |
0378-4290 |
213 |
221-230 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
121 |
Reserving winter snow for the relief of spring drought by film mulching in northeast China |
韩天富 |
Field Crops Research |
0378-4290 |
209 |
58-64 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
122 |
Penalties in yield and yield associated traits caused by stem lodging at different developmental stages in summer and spring foxtail millet cultivars |
李洪杰 |
Field Crops Research |
0378-4290 |
Accepted |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
123 |
Transcriptome Analysis of Maize Immature Embryos Reveals the Roles of Cysteine in Improving Agrobacterium Infection Efficiency |
刘允军 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
178 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
124 |
Generation of high-amylose rice through CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis of starch branching enzymes |
夏兰琴 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
298 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
125 |
TaGW2, a Good Reflection of Wheat Polyploidization and Evolution |
郝晨阳 |
Frontier in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
318 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
126 |
Elite haplotypes of a protein kinase gene TaSnRK2.3 associated with important agronomic traits in common wheat |
景蕊莲 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
368 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
127 |
Genome-wide investigation of WRKY transcription factors involved in terminal drought stress response in common bean. |
武晶 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
380 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
128 |
A novel wheat C-bZIP gene, TabZIP14-B, participates in salt and freezing tolerance in transgenic plants. |
孔秀英 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
710 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
129 |
Genome-wide analysis of the RAV gene family in soybean |
徐兆师 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
905 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
130 |
Next-Generation Sequencing from Bulked-Segregant Analysis Accelerates the Simultaneous Identification of Two Qualitative Genes in Soybean |
邱丽娟 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
919 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
131 |
Characterization of Salt-Induced Epigenetic Segregation by Genome-Wide Loss of Heterozygosity and its Association with Salt Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) |
黎志康 |
Frontier in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
977 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
132 |
WHITE STRIPE LEAF4 encodes a novel P-type PPR protein required for chloroplast biogenesis during early leaf development |
万建民 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
1116 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
133 |
Simultaneous Improvement and Genetic Dissection of Salt Tolerance of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) by Designed QTL Pyramiding |
黎志康 |
Frontier in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
1275 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
134 |
Molecular Mapping of Reduced Plant Height Gene Rht24 in Bread Wheat |
田秀玲 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
1379 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
135 |
A High-Density Consensus Map of Common Wheat Integrating Four Mapping Populations Scanned by the 90K SNP Array |
何中虎 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
1389 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
136 |
Genome-wide association study identifies NBS-LRR-Encoding genes related with anthracnose and common bacterial blight in the common bean |
武晶 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
1398 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
137 |
Development of a High-Efficient Mutation Resource with Phenotypic Variation in Hexaploid Winter Wheat and Identification of Novel Alleles in the TaAGP.L-B1 Gene |
刘录祥 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
1404 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
138 |
A Combined Association Mapping and Linkage Analysis of Kernel Number Per Spike in Common Wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) |
郝晨阳 |
Frontier in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
1412 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
139 |
Genetic and Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis of Cell Wall Components and Forage Digestibility in the Zheng58 × HD568 Maize RIL Population at Anthesis Stage |
黄长玲 |
Frontiers in plant science |
1664-462X |
8 |
1472 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
140 |
RNA-Seq Analysis Provides the First Insights into the Phylogenetic Relationship and Interspecific Variation between Agropyron cristatum and Wheat |
李立会 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
1644 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
141 |
Brassinosteroids regulate OFP1, a DLT interacting protein, to modulate plant architecture and grain morphology in rice |
童红宁 |
Frontier in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
1698 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
142 |
Effect of Trait Heritability, Training Population Size and Marker Density on Genomic Prediction Accuracy Estimation in 22 bi-parental Tropical Maize Populations |
王红武 |
Frontiers in plant science |
1664-462X |
8 |
1916 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
143 |
New Candidate Genes Affecting Rice Grain Appearance and Milling Quality Detected by Genome-Wide and Gene-Based Association Analyses |
徐建龙 |
Frontier in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
7 |
1998 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
144 |
Comparison of Genetic Diversity between Chinese and American Soybean (Glycine max (L.)) accessions Revealed by High-density SNPs |
邱丽娟 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
2014 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
145 |
Engineered Dwarf Male-Sterile Rice: A Promising Genetic Tool for Facilitating Recurrent Selection in Rice |
赵开军 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
2132 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
146 |
A Casein Kinase II Phosphorylation Site in AtYY1 Affects Its Activity, Stability, and Function in the ABA Response |
李甜 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
1-9 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
147 |
Bulked segregant RNA-seq reveals differential expression and SNPs of candidate genes associated with waterlogging tolerance in maize |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
1-13 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
148 |
Manipulating planting density and nitrogen fertilizer application to improve yield and reduce environmental impact in Chinese maize production |
徐彩龙 |
Fronters in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8: 1234 |
e01234 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
149 |
Candidate loci for yield-related traits in maize revealed by a combination of metaQTL analysis and regional association mapping |
黎裕 |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
8 |
doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.02190 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
150 |
Genetic analysis of a hybrid sterility gene that causes both pollen and embryo sac sterility in hybrids between Oryza sativa L. and Oryza longistaminata. |
万建民 |
Heredity |
0081-067X |
119 |
166–173 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
151 |
Background controlled QTL mapping in pure-line genetic populations derived from four-way crosses |
王建康 |
Heredity |
0018-067X |
119 |
256-264 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
152 |
ALR encoding dCMP deaminase is critical for DNA damage repair, cell cycle progression and plant development in rice. |
万建民 |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
69(1) |
1-5 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
153 |
Enhancing genetic gain in the era of molecular breeding |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
68 |
2641–2666 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
154 |
The OsABF1 Transcription Factor Improves Drought Tolerance by Activating the Transcription of COR413-TM1 in Rice |
刘斌 |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
68 |
4695-4707 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
155 |
The OsHAPL1-DTH8-Hd1 complex functions as the transcription regulator to repress heading date in rice. 2017 Jan 1; |
万建民 |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
68(3) |
553-568 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
156 |
SPL33, encoding an eEF1A-like protein, negatively regulates cell death and defense responses in rice. 2017 Feb 1; |
万建民 |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
68(5) |
899-913 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
157 |
A Putative Plastidial Adenine Nucleotide Transporter, BRITTLE1-3, Plays an Essential Role in Regulating Chloroplast Development in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). |
万建民 |
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology |
1672-9072 |
60 |
493-505 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
158 |
FLOURY ENDOSPERM8, encoding the UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 1, affects the synthesis and structure of starch in rice endosperm. J. Plant Biol. 2017, |
万建民 |
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology |
1672-9072 |
60 |
513-522 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
159 |
Development and utilization of a new chemically-induced soybean library with a high mutation density |
邱丽娟 |
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology |
1672-9072 |
59(1) |
60-74 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
160 |
Genetic dissection on the top three leaves in rice using progenies derived from an japonica-indica cross |
王建康 |
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology |
1672-9072 |
DOI 10.1111/jipb.12597 |
Online |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
161 |
Assembly of an early-matured japonica (Geng) rice genome, Suijing18, based on PacBio and Illumina sequencing |
郑天清 |
Scientific Data |
2052-4463 |
DOI 10.1038/sdata.2017.195 |
4 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
162 |
Biosynthesis and regulation of cyanogenic glycoside production in forage plants |
周美亮 |
Applied Microbio logy & Biotechn ology |
0175-7598 |
2017 (2) :1-8 |
42743 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
163 |
Photoperiodism dynamics during the domestication and improvement of soybean |
刘斌 |
Science China Life Sciences |
1674-7305 |
7(1) |
1-12 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
164 |
Rice TCM1 Encoding a Component of the TAC Complex is Required for Chloroplast Development under Cold Stress |
徐建龙 |
Plant Genome |
1940-3372 |
11 |
160065 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
165 |
Genetic diversity and differentiation of Acanthoscelides obtectus Say (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) populations in China |
段灿星 |
Agricultural and Forest Entomology |
1461-9563 |
19(2) |
113-121 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
166 |
Quantification for carbon footprint of agricultural inputs of grains cultivation in China since 1978 |
张卫建 |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
0959-6526 |
142 |
1629-1637 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
167 |
microRNA/microRNA* complementarity is important for the regulation pattern of NFYA5 by miR169 under dehydration shock in Arabidopsis |
李文学 |
Plant Journal |
0960-7412 |
91(1) |
22-33 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
168 |
Nonlinear response of soil ammonia emissions to fertilizer nitrogen |
张卫建 |
Biology and Fertility of Soils |
0178-2762 |
53(3) |
269-274 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
169 |
The Arabidopsis U-box E3 Ubiquitin ligase PUB30 Negatively Regulates Salt Tolerance by Facilitating BRI1 KINASE INHIBITOR 1 (BKI1) Degradation. |
李学勇 |
Plant, Cell & Environment |
0140-7791 |
40(11) |
2831-2843 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
170 |
OsPPR6, a pentatricopeptide repeat protein involved in editing and splicing chloroplast RNA, is required for chloroplast biogenesis in rice. , 2017, 95: 345–357 |
万建民 |
plant molecular biology |
0167-4412 |
95 |
345–357 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
171 |
Interactive effects of straw incorporation and tillage on crop yield and greenhouse gas emissions in double rice cropping system |
张卫建 |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
0167-8809 |
250 |
37-43 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
172 |
Genetic dissection of stem water-soluble carbohydrates and agronomic traits in wheat under different water regimes |
景蕊莲 |
Journal of Agricultural Science. |
0019-5022 |
9 |
42–58 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
173 |
Differences in the impacts of nighttime warming on crop growth of rice-based cropping systems under field conditions |
张卫建 |
European Journal of Agronomy |
1161-0301 |
82 |
80-92 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
174 |
Wheat genetic resources in the post-genomics era: promise and challenges |
何中虎 |
Annals of Botany |
0305-7364 |
DOI org/10.1093/aob/mcx148 |
JCR 排名前5-25%期刊 |
175 |
Both major and minor QTL associated with plant height can be identified using near-isogenic lines in maize |
李永祥 |
Euphytica |
0014-2336 |
213 |
21 |
176 |
Heterosis and combining ability of seven maize germplasm populations |
李新海 |
Euphytica |
0014-2336 |
213(45) |
1-11 |
177 |
Recurrent selection breeding by dominant male sterility for multiple abiotic stresses tolerant rice cultivars |
黎志康 |
Euphytica |
0014-2336 |
213(268) |
1-13 |
178 |
Mapping QTL for stay-green and agronomic traits in wheat under diverse water regimes |
景蕊莲 |
Euphytica |
0014-2336 |
213(246) |
1-19 |
179 |
Breeding potential of maize germplasm populations to improve yield and predominant heterotic pattern in Northeast China |
李新海 |
Euphytica |
0014-2336 |
DOI 10.1007/s10681-017-2013-2 |
180 |
Identification of saponin composition and their geographical distribution in Chinese cultivated soybean (Glycine max) |
王克晶 |
Euphytica |
0014-2336 |
213 |
article 175 |
181 |
Categories and components of soyasaponin in the Chinese wild soybean (Glycine soja) genetic resource collection |
王克晶 |
Genet Resour Crop Evol |
0925-9864 |
64 |
2161–2171 |
182 |
Effects of the wheat UDP-glucosyltransferase gene TaUGT-B2 on Agrobacterium mediated plant transformation |
叶兴国 |
Acta Physiol Plant |
0137-5881 |
39 |
15 |
183 |
De novo transcriptomic analysis of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) for genic SSRmarker development |
陈红霖 |
BMC Genetics |
1471-2164 |
18 |
65 |
184 |
Genotypic Variation in Wheat Flour Lysophospholipids |
何中虎 |
Molecules |
1420-3049 |
22 |
909 |
185 |
Top Bending Panicle1 is involved in brassinosteroid signaling and regulates the plant architecture in rice. |
万建民 |
plant physiology and biochemistry |
0981-9428 |
121 |
1-13 |
186 |
iTRAQ-based Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Wheat Root in Response to Salt Stress |
张辉 |
Proteomics |
1615-9853 |
17(8) |
1-13 |
187 |
Identification of interacting proteins of the TaFVE protein involved in spike development in bread wheat |
李立会 |
Proteomics |
1615-9853 |
17(9) |
1600331 |
188 |
Physiological and metabolic profiles of common reed provide insights into plant adaptation to low nitrogen conditions |
刘君 |
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology |
0305-1978 |
73 |
3-10 |
189 |
Antifungal activity and mechanism of heat-transformed ginsenosides from notoginseng against Epidermophyton floccosum, Trichophyton rubrum, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes |
任贵兴 |
RSC Advances |
2046-2069 |
7 |
10939–10946 |
190 |
Exogenous application of plant growth regulators (PGRs) induces chilling tolerance in short-duration hybrid maize |
Mehmood Ali Noor |
Environmental Science & Pollution Research |
0944-1344 |
24 (12) |
11459–11471 |
191 |
Effects of soil drought stress on plant regeneration efficiency and endogenous hormone levels of immature embryos in wheat. |
叶兴国 |
Pakistan Journal of Botany |
0556-3321 |
49(5) |
1673-1679 |
192 |
Multisplit Nitrogen Application via Drip Irrigation Improves Maize Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use efficiency |
赵明 |
Crop Sciences |
1435-0653 |
57 |
1687-1703 |
193 |
Comparison of Nutritional Composition, Aroma Compounds, and Biological Activities of Two Kinds of Tartary Buckwheat Tea |
任贵兴 |
Journal of Food Science |
0022-1147 |
82(7) |
1735-1741 |
194 |
Genome-wide association mapping of starch granule size distribution in common wheat |
何中虎 |
Journal of Cereal Science |
0733-5210 |
77 |
211-218 |
195 |
Effect of foxtail millet protein hydrolysates on lowering blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats |
刁现民 |
European Journal of Nutrition |
1436-6207 |
56 |
2129-2138 |
196 |
Comparative proteome analysis in hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) after space flight |
刘录祥 |
PHYTON-International Journal of Experimental Botany |
0031-9457 |
86 |
236-245 |
197 |
Comprehensive analysis of differently expressed genes and proteins in albino and green plantlets from a wheat anther culture |
叶兴国 |
Biologia Plantrum |
0006-3134 |
61(2) |
255-265 |
198 |
Identification of novel alleles induced by EMS-mutagenesis in key genes of kernel hardness and starch biosynthesis in wheat by TILLING |
刘录祥 |
Genes & Genomics |
1976-9571 |
39 |
387-395 |
199 |
Cryopreservation of Citrus anthers in the National Crop GeneBank of China |
陈晓玲 |
In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology–Plant |
1054-5476 |
51(4) |
445-451 |
200 |
Identification and functional analysis of two cotton orthologues of MAX2 which control shoot lateral branching |
李学勇 |
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter |
0735-9640 |
35(5) |
480-490 |
201 |
Stability analysis of seven agronomic traits for soybean [(Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Tokachi nagaha and its derived cultivars using the AMMI model |
刘章雄 |
Plant Production Science |
1343-943X |
20(4) |
499-506 |
202 |
Scanning QTLs for Grain Shape using Two Sets of Introgression Lines in Rice |
徐建龙 |
International Journal of Agriculture and Biology |
1560-8530 |
19 |
509‒516 |
203 |
Cryopreservation of Jerusalem artichoke cultivars using an improved droplet-vitrification method |
陈晓玲 |
Plant Cell &Tissue Organ Culture |
0167-6857 |
128 |
577-587 |
204 |
Identification of genes alternatively spliced in developing maize endosperm |
李新海 |
Plant Biology |
1435-8603 |
20 |
59-66 |
205 |
Registration of H192 and H782, the wheat lines resistant to cereal cyst nematode and powdery mildew |
李洪杰 |
Journal of Plant Registrations |
1936-5209 |
11(1) |
71-75 |
206 |
OsLBD37 and OsLBD38, two class II type LBD proteins, are involved in the regulation of heading date by controlling the expression of Ehd1 in rice. 2017 May 6; |
万建民 |
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications |
0006-291X |
486(3) |
720-725 |
207 |
MicroRNAs associated with drought response in the pulse crop common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) |
武晶 |
Gene |
0378-1119 |
628 |
78-86 |
208 |
Enhancement of dwarf wheat germplasm with high-yield potential derived from induced mutagenesis |
刘录祥 |
Plant Genetic Resources |
1479-2621 |
DOI 10.1017/S1479262116000459 |
209 |
The impact of modern plant breeding on dominant Chinese wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) revealed by SSR and functional markers |
周阳 |
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution |
0925-9864 |
DOI 10.1007/s10722-017-0508-2 |
210 |
Dry Matter Accumulation Characteristics of Maize Cultivars Released from the 1950s to 2010s in China |
李少昆 |
Philippine Agricultural Scientist |
0031-7454 |
Accepted |
211 |
Genome-wide association study of rice grain width variation |
郑晓明 |
Genome |
0831-2796 |
在线出版 |
212 |
Spring Maize Kernel Number and Assimilate Supply Responses to High-Temperature Stress under Field Conditions. |
陶志强 |
Agronomy Journal |
0002-1962 |
2 109 |
1422-1442 |
213 |
Effects of Nitrogen and Plant Density on Competition between Two Maize Hybrids Released in Different Eras |
李少昆 |
Agronomy Journal |
0002-1962 |
109(6) |
2670–2679 |
214 |
Novel alleles for black and gray seed color genes in common bean |
王述民 |
Crop Science |
0011-183X |
57 |
1603–1610 |
215 |
Identification and Fine Mapping of SiDWARF3 (D3), a Pleiotropic Locus Controlling Environment Independent Dwarfism in Foxtail Millet |
刁现民 |
Crop Science |
0011-183X |
57 |
2431-2442 |
216 |
Comparison of the Genetic Structure betweenIn Situ and Ex Situ Populations of Dongxiang Wild Rice |
刘莎 |
Crop Science |
0011-183X |
DOI 10.2135/cropsci2017.01.0015 |
3075-3084 |
217 |
Temporal–Spatial Characterization of Seed Proteins and Oil in Widely Grown Soybean Cultivars across a Century of Breeding in China |
韩天富 |
Crop Science |
0011-183X |
57 |
748-759 |
218 |
Genetic Progress in Grain Yield and Physiological Traits in Chinese Wheat Cultivars of Southern Yellow and Huai Valley since 1950 |
何中虎 |
Crop Science |
0011-183X |
57 |
760–773 |
219 |
Antioxidant and anti-cancer activities of proanthocyanidins-rich extracts from three varieties of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) bran |
任贵兴 |
Food and Agricultural Immunology |
0954-0105 |
28(6) |
42749 |
220 |
Nutritional Composition and Biological Activities of Seventeen Chinese Adzuki Bean (Vignaangularis) Varieties |
任贵兴 |
Food and Agricultural Immunology |
0954-0105 |
28(1) |
78-89 |
221 |
Physical Localization of a Locus from Agropyron cristatum Conferring Resistance to Stripe Rust in Common Wheat |
李立会 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences |
1422-0067 |
114(11) |
2403 |
222 |
Genome-Wide Profiling of Small RNAs and Degradome Revealed Conserved Regulations of miRNAs on Auxin-Responsive Genes during Fruit Enlargement in Peaches |
刘君 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences |
1422-0067 |
18 |
2599 |
223 |
Arabidopsis E3 Ubiquitin ligases PUB22 and PUB23 Negatively Regulate Drought Tolerance by Targeting ABA Receptor PYL9 for Degradation. |
李学勇 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences |
1422-0067 |
18(9) |
1809-1841 |
224 |
Seed pre-treatment and planting geometry positively influence herbicide efficacy in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) |
Mehmood Ali Noor |
Planta Daninha |
0100-8358 |
35 |
e017170372 |
225 |
Weed management in direct seeded rice grown under varying tillage systems and alternate water regimes |
Mehmood Ali Noor |
Planta Daninha |
0100-8358 |
35 |
e017179036 |
226 |
Optimization for the Production of Deoxynivalenol and Zearalenone by Fusarium graminearum Using Response Surface Methodology |
吴莉 |
Toxins |
2072-6651 |
9(2) |
57 |
227 |
Optimization for the production of Deoxynivalenol and Zearalenone by Fusarium graminearum Using Response surface Methodology |
吴丽 |
Toxins |
2072-6651 |
9(2) |
57-73 |
228 |
GmNAC15 overexpression in hairy roots enhances salt tolerance in soybean |
张辉 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16(0) |
9 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
229 |
Mechanisms and molecular approaches for heat tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under climate change scenario |
Mehmood Ali Noor |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16 |
1-14 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
230 |
Transcriptomes of early developing tassels under drought stress reveal differential expression of genes related to drought tolerance in maize |
李新海 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16 |
60345-7 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
231 |
A dCAPS marker developed from a stress associated protein gene TaSAP7-B governing grain size and plant height in wheat |
景蕊莲 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
60345-7 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
232 |
BRITTLE CULM16 (BRITTLE NODE) is required for the formation of secondary cell walls in rice nodes |
万建民 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16 (6) |
1286-1293 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
233 |
Relationship between population competitive intensity and yield in maize cultivars |
李少昆 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16(6) |
1312-1321 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
234 |
A callus transformation system for gene functional studies in soybean |
傅永福 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16(9) |
1913–1922 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
235 |
Research progress on reduced lodging of high-yield, high-density maize |
李少昆 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
216(12) |
2095-3119 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
236 |
Genetic behavior of Triticum aestivum–Dasypyrum villosum translocation chromosomes T6V#4S·6DL and T6V#2S·6AL carrying powdery mildew resistance |
林志栅 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16(10) |
2136–2144 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
237 |
Novel and favorable genomic regions for spike related traits in a wheat germplasm Pubing 3504 with high grain number per spike under varying environments |
李立会 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16(11) |
2386–2401 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
238 |
Genetic variation of yellow pigment and its components in foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.) from different eco-regions in China |
刁现民 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16(11) |
2459-2469 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
239 |
Creation of gene-specific rice mutants by AvrXa23-based TALENs |
赵开军 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16(2) |
424–434 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
240 |
Identification of salinity-related genes in ENO2 mutant (eno2-) of Arabidopsis thaliana |
李洪杰 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16 |
60345-7 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
241 |
Constitutive expression of feedback-insensitive cystathionine γ-synthase increases methionine levels in soybean leaves and seeds |
韩天富 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16 |
60345-7 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
242 |
Genetic characteristics of a wheat founder parent and a widely planted cultiva derived from the same cross. |
李立会 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16(0): |
60345-7 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
243 |
A wheat gene TaSAP17-D encoding an AN1/AN1 zinc finger protein improves salt stress tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis |
景蕊莲 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16(0) |
60345-7 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
244 |
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms, mapping and association analysis of 1-FFT-A1 gene in wheat |
景蕊莲 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16(4) |
789–799 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
245 |
Light interception and radiation use efficiency response to tridimensional uniform sowing in winter wheat |
常旭虹 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
16 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
246 |
Production and genetic improvement of minor cereals in China |
刁现民 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5424 |
5(2) |
103-114 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
247 |
Food legume production in China |
宗绪晓 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5423 |
5(2) |
115-126 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
248 |
Cropping system innovation for coping with climatic warming in China |
张卫建 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5421 |
5(2) |
136-150 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
249 |
RNA-seq analysis of unintended effects in transgenic wheat overexpressing the transcription factor GmDREB1. |
张辉 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5425 |
5(3) |
207-218. |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
250 |
Genomics-based plant germplasm research (GPGR) |
李洪杰 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5421 |
5 |
2214-5141 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
251 |
Soybean hairy roots produced in vitro by Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation |
侯文胜 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5421 |
DOI org/10.1016/j.cj.2017.08.006 |
2214-5141 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
252 |
Genetic diversity and a population structure analysis of accessions in the Chinese cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] germplasm collection |
陈红霖 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5422 |
5 |
363-372 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
253 |
QTL analysis of ear leaf traits in maize (Zea mays L.) under different planting densities |
黄长玲 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5421 |
5 |
387-395 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
254 |
Analysis of promoter activity reveals that GmFTL2 expression differs from that of the known Flowering Locus T genes in soybean |
傅永福 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5421 |
5 |
438-448 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
255 |
Effects of culm carbohydrate partitioning on basal stem strength in a high-yielding rice population |
张卫建 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5421 |
5(6) |
478–487 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
256 |
Creation of targeted inversion mutations in plants using an RNA-guided endonuclease |
谢传晓 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5421 |
5 |
83-88 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
257 |
Agriculture and crop science in China: Innovation and sustainability |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5421 |
5 |
95–99 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
258 |
Genome-wide association mapping of vitamins B1 and B2 in common wheat |
何中虎 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5421 |
DOI org/10.1016/j.cj.2017.08.002 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
259 |
Function of the auxin-responsive gene TaSAUR75 under salt and drought stress |
张辉 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5426 |
doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2017.08.005 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
260 |
Wheat functional genomics in the era of next generation sequencing: An update[J]. 2017. |
毛龙 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5421 |
online |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
261 |
Wheat genome editing expedited by efficient transformation techniques: progress and perspectives |
叶兴国 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5421 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.cj.2017.09.009 |
其他SCI,SSCI,EI(我院主办) |
262 |
增温对青藏高原冬小麦干物质积累转运及氮吸收利用的影响 |
张卫建 |
植物生态学报 |
1005-264X |
41(10) |
1060-1068 |
中文核心期刊要目总览(北大版)学科排名前5%期刊 |
263 |
中国玉米栽培研究进展与展望 |
李少昆 |
中国农业科学 |
0578-1752 |
2017,50(11) |
1941-1959 |
中文核心期刊5%(我院主办) |
264 |
2005—2016 年中国玉米种植密度变化分析 |
李少昆 |
中国农业科学 |
0578-1752 |
2017,50(11) |
1960-1972 |
中文核心期刊5%(我院主办) |
265 |
栽培措施及其互作对北方春玉米产量及耐密性的调控作用 |
赵明 |
中国农业科学 |
0578-1752 |
2017,50(11) |
1982-1994 |
中文核心期刊5%(我院主办) |
266 |
玉米机械籽粒收获破碎率研究进展 |
李少昆 |
中国农业科学 |
0578-1752 |
2017,50(11) |
2018-2026 |
中文核心期刊5%(我院主办) |
267 |
玉米籽粒脱水速率影响因素分析 |
李少昆 |
中国农业科学 |
0578-1752 |
2017,50(11) |
2027-2035 |
中文核心期刊5%(我院主办) |
268 |
玉米机械籽粒收获质量现状及其与含水率的关系 |
李少昆 |
中国农业科学 |
0578-1752 |
2017,50(11) |
2036-2043 |
中文核心期刊5%(我院主办) |
269 |
夏玉米机械粒收质量影响因素分析 |
李少昆 |
中国农业科学 |
0578-1752 |
2017,50(11) |
2044-2051 |
中文核心期刊5%(我院主办) |
270 |
玉米生理成熟后田间脱水期间的籽粒重量与含水率变化 |
李少昆 |
中国农业科学 |
0578-1752 |
2017, 50(11) |
2052-2060 |
中文核心期刊5%(我院主办) |
271 |
土壤耕作和施肥方式对夏玉米干物质积累与产量的影响 |
赵明 |
中国农业科学 |
0578-1752 |
2017, 50(11) |
2129-2140 |
中文核心期刊5%(我院主办) |
272 |
2个玉米光敏色素C基因的转录丰度对多种光质处理的响应 |
杨建平 |
中国农业科学 |
0578-1752 |
50(12) |
2209-2219 |
中文核心期刊5%(我院主办) |
273 |
大豆锌指转录因子GmDi19-5对高温的响应及互作蛋白的筛选 |