2016年 发表论文统计表
序号 |
论文题目 |
本单位作者(仅填第一或通讯作者) |
期刊名称 |
期刊ISSN |
卷期号 |
起止页码 |
1 |
GOLGI TRANSPORT 1B Regulates Protein Export from Endoplasmic Reticulum in Rice Endosperm Cells |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Cell |
1040-4651 |
28 |
2850-2865 |
2 |
Domestication footprints anchor genomic regions of agronomic importance in soybeans |
Lijuan Qiu |
New Phytologist |
0028-646X |
209(2) |
871–884 |
3 |
A dual-function transcription factor, AtYY1, is a novel negative regulator of the Arabidopsis ABA response network |
Tian Li |
Molecular Plant |
1674-2052 |
9(5) |
650-661 |
4 |
Engineering herbicide resistant rice plants through CRISPR/Cas9-mediated homologous recombination of the acetolactate synthase |
Lanqin Xia |
Molecular Plant |
1674-2052 |
2016 (9) |
628–631 |
5 |
The QTL GNP1 Encodes GA20ox1, Which Increases Grain Number and Yield by Increasing Cytokinin Activity in Rice Panicle Meristems |
Jian-Long Xu |
PLOS Genetics |
1553-7390 |
12(10) |
e1006386 |
6 |
WHITE PANICLE1, a Val-tRNA synthetase regulating chloroplast ribosome biogenesis in rice, is essential for early chloroplast development |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Physiology |
0032-0889 |
170(4) |
2110–2123 |
7 |
The Wheat Mediator Subunit TaMED25 Interacts with the Transcription Factor TaEIL1 to Negatively Regulate Disease Resistance against Powdery Mildew |
孙加强 |
Plant Physiology |
0032-0889 |
170(3) |
1799–1816 |
8 |
A Drought-inducible bZIP Transcription Factor OsABF1 Delays Reproductive Timing in Rice |
Liu, B |
Plant Physiology |
0032-0889 |
171(1) |
334–343 |
9 |
CURLY LEAF Regulates Gene Sets Coordinating Seed Size and Lipid Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis |
刘君 |
Plant Physiology |
0032-0889 |
171(1) |
424-436 |
10 |
Ubiquitin-specific protease 24 negatively regulates abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana. |
李学勇 |
Plant, Cell & Environment |
1365-3040 |
39(2) |
427-440 |
11 |
Bulked sample analysis in genetics, genomics and crop improvement |
Yunbi Xu |
Plant Biotechnology Journal |
1467-7652 |
14(10) |
1941-1955 |
12 |
TaGS5-3A, a grain size gene selected during wheat improvement for larger kernel and yield |
Xueyong Zhang |
Plant Biotechnology Journal |
1467-7644 |
5(14) |
1269-1280 |
13 |
Joint-linkage mapping and GWAS reveal extensive genetic loci that regulate male inflorescence size in maize |
Tianyu Wang |
Plant Biotechnology Journal |
1467-7644 |
14(7) |
1551-1562 |
14 |
Dual transcriptome analysis reveals insights into the response to rice black-streaked dwarf virus in maize |
Li Xinhai |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
67(15) |
4593-4609 |
15 |
SLG controls grain size and leaf angle by modulating brassinosteroid homeostasis in rice. |
Jianmin Wan |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
67(14) |
4241-4253 |
16 |
The RICE MINUTE-LIKE1 (RML1) gene, encoding a ribosomal large subunit protein L3B, regulates leaf morphology and plant architecture in rice. |
Jianmin Wan |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
67(11) |
3457-3469 |
17 |
The role of OsMSH4 in male and female gamete development in rice meiosis. |
Jianmin Wan |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
20(5) |
653-658 |
18 |
FLOURY ENDOSPERM7 encodes a regulator of starch synthesis and amyloplast development essential for peripheral endosperm development in rice |
Jianmin Wan |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
67(3) |
633-647 |
19 |
BjMYB1, a transcription factor implicated in plant defence through activating BjCHI1 chitinase expression by binding to a W-box-like element |
Kaijun Zhao |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
67(15) |
4647-4658 |
20 |
Overexpression of wheat gene TaMOR improves root system architecture and grain yield in Oryza sativa. |
Ruilian Jing |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
67(14) |
4155–4167 |
21 |
Complex molecular mechanisms underlying seedling salt tolerance in rice revealed by comparative transcriptome and metabolomic profiling |
Zhikang Li |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
67(1) |
405-419 |
22 |
The C-terminal motif of SiAGO1b is required for the regulation of growth, development and stress responses in foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.) |
Xianmin Diao |
Journal of Experimental Botany |
0022-0957 |
67(11) |
3237-3249 |
23 |
Identification of genetic variants associated with maize flowering time using an extremely large multi-genetic background population |
Tianyu Wang |
The Plant Journal |
0960-7412 |
86(5) |
391-402 |
24 |
Unlocking the genetic diversity of Creole wheats. |
Huihui Li |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
6:23092 |
1-13 |
25 |
The wheat R2R3-MYB transcription factor TaRIM1 participates in resistance response against the pathogen Rhizoctonia cerealis infection through regulating defense genes |
Zengyan Zhang |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
6:28777 |
1-12 |
26 |
Cloning and characterization of TaVIP2 gene from Triticum aestivum and functional analysis in Nicotiana tabacum |
叶兴国 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
6:37602 |
1-9 |
27 |
Soil Fertility Map for Food Legumes Production Areas in China |
Xuxiao Zong |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
6:26102 |
1-14 |
28 |
The Fd-GOGAT1 mutant gene lc7 confers resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae in rice |
Honglin Chen |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
6:26411 |
1-13 |
29 |
A novel allele of L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase is associated with enhanced drought tolerance through affecting stomatal aperture in common wheat |
Li Bin |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
6:30177 |
1-15 |
30 |
Genetic characterization of cysteine-rich type-b avenin-like |
Z. H. He |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
6:30692 |
1-12 |
31 |
An alternative strategy for targeted gene replacement in plants using a dual-sgRNA/Cas9 design |
Xie, C |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
6:23890 |
1-11 |
32 |
Optimizing rice plant photosynthate allocation reduces N2O emissions from paddy fields |
张卫建 |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
6:29333 |
1-9 |
33 |
Maize pan-transcriptome provides novel insights into genome complexity and quantitative trait variation. |
Fu Junjie |
Scientific Reports |
2045-2322 |
6:18936 |
1-12 |
34 |
The wheat calcium-dependent protein kinase TaCPK7-D positively regulates host resistance to sharp eyespot disease |
Zengyan Zhang |
Molecular Plant Pathology |
1464-6722 |
17(8) |
1252-1264 |
35 |
Identification of Genomic Insertion and Flanking Sequence of G2-EPSPS and GAT Transgenes in Soybean Using Whole Genome Sequencing Method |
Li-Juan Qiu |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
7:1009 |
1-9 |
36 |
GmSALT3, Which Confers Improved Soybean Salt Tolerance in the Field, Increases Leaf Cl-Exclusion Prior to Na+ Exclusion But Does Not Improve Early Vigor under Salinity |
Rongxia Guan |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
7:1485 |
1-13 |
37 |
Generation of marker- and/or backbone-free transgenic wheat plants via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation |
Lanqin Xia |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
7:1324 |
1-16 |
38 |
Genome-WideQTLMappingforWheatProcessingQualityParametersinaGaocheng8901/Zhoumai16RecombinantInbredLinePopulation |
ZhonghuHe |
Frontiers in Plant Science| |
1664-462X |
7:1032 |
1-16 |
39 |
Carotenoids in Staple Cereals: Metabolism, Regulation, and Genetic Manipulation |
Zhonghu He |
Frontiers in Plant Science| |
1664-462X |
7:1197 |
1-13 |
40 |
Identification of Genomic Associations for Adult Plant Resistance in the Background of Popular South Asian Wheat Cultivar, PBW343. |
Huihui Li |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
7: 1674 |
1-16 |
41 |
Genome-Wide Differences in DNA Methylation Changes in Two Contrasting Rice Genotypes in Response to Drought Conditions. |
Li ZK ,Fu BY |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
7:1675 |
1-13 |
42 |
A wheat cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase TaCAD12 contributes to host resistance to sharp eyespot |
Zengyan Zhang |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
7:1723 |
1-16 |
43 |
Two novel AP2/EREBP transcription factor genes TaPARG have pleiotropic functions on plant architecture and yield-related traits in common wheat |
Rui lian Jing |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
7:1191 |
1-18 |
44 |
Functional Studies of Heading Date-Related Gene TaPRR73,a Paralog of Ppd1 in Common Wheat |
Jizeng Jia |
Frontiers in Plant Sience |
1664-462X |
7(772) |
1-11 |
45 |
The novel wheat transcription factor TaNAC47 enhances multiple abiotic stress tolerances in transgenic plants |
JZ Jia, XY Kong |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
6(e109415) |
1-12 |
46 |
Transcriptome Sequencing Identified Genes and Gene Ontologies Associated with Early Freezing Tolerance in Maize |
Yu Li, Tianyu Wang |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
7:1477 |
1-14 |
47 |
Genetic analysis in maize foundation parents with mapping population and testcross population: Ye478 carried more favorable alleles and using QTL information could improve foundation parents |
Yu Li |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
7:1417 |
1-13 |
48 |
Genomics characterization of the E-subgroup of the Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein family and confirmation of the responsiveness PPR96 to abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis. |
Zhaoshi Xu |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
1664-462X |
7:1825 |
1-14 |
49 |
Hybrid Sterility in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Involves the Tetratricopeptide Repeat Domain Containing Protein. |
Jianmin Wan |
Genetics |
0016-6731 |
203(3) |
1439-1451 |
50 |
OsCOL10, a CONSTANS-Like Gene, Functions as a Flowering Time Repressor Downstream of Ghd7 in Rice. |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Cell Physiol |
0032-0781 |
57(4) |
798-812 |
51 |
Immunoregulatory activities of polysaccharides from mung bean |
Guixing Ren |
Carbohydrate Polymers |
0144-8617 |
139 |
61-66 |
52 |
Transformation of deoxynivalenol and its acetylated derivatives in Chinese steamed bread making, as affected by pH, yeast, and steaming time |
王步军 |
Food Chemistry |
0308-8146 |
202 |
149-155 |
53 |
Wheat transcription factor TaAREB3 participates in drought and freezing tolerances in Arabidopsis. |
Rui lian Jing |
International Journal of Biological Sciences |
1449-2288 |
7 |
257–269 |
54 |
ER-localized adenine nucleotide transporter ER-ANT1: an integrator of energy and stress signaling in rice |
Jianping Yang |
Plant Molecular Biology |
0167-4412 |
92(6) |
701–715 |
55 |
A CONSTANS-like transcriptional activator, OsCOL13, functions as a negative regulator of flowering downstream of OsphyB and upstream of Ehd1 in rice. |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Molecular Biology |
0167-4412 |
92(1-2) |
209-222 |
56 |
WSL3, a component of the plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase, is essential for early chloroplast development in rice. |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Molecular Biology |
0167-4412 |
92(4-5) |
581-595 |
57 |
The catalytic subunit of magnesium-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester cyclase forms a chloroplast complex to regulate chlorophyll biosynthesis in rice. |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Molecular Biology |
0167-4412 |
92(1-2) |
177–191 |
58 |
Envirotyping for deciphering environmental impacts on crop plants |
Yunbi Xu |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
129(4) |
653–673 |
59 |
Combined linkage and association mapping identifies a major QTL (qRtsc8‑1), conferring tar spot complex resistance in maize |
Yunbi Xu |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
129(6) |
1217–1229 |
60 |
Genome‑wide linkage mapping of flour color‑related traits and polyphenol oxidase activity in common wheat |
Xianchun Xia |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
129(2) |
377–394 |
61 |
Cloning of TaSST genes associated with water soluble carbohydrate content in bread wheat stems and development of a functional marker |
Zhonghu He |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
129(5) |
1061–1070 |
62 |
Development and validation of KASP assays for genes |
Zhonghu He |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
129(10) |
1843-1860 |
63 |
Genome‑wide linkage mapping of QTL for black point reaction in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) |
Xianchun Xia |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
129(11) |
2179–2190 |
64 |
Fine mapping of a quantitative trait locus conferring resistance to maize rough dwarf disease |
Li Xinhai |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
129(12) |
2333-2342 |
65 |
Diachronic analysis of genetic diversity in rice landraces under on-farm conservation in Yunnan, China |
Longzhi Han |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
129(1) |
155-168 |
66 |
A novel er1 allele and the development and validation of its functional marker for breeding pea (Pisum sativum L.) resistance to powdery mildew |
Zhendong Zhu |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
129(5) |
909–919 |
67 |
Physical mapping of Agropyron cristatum chromosome 6P using |
Lihui Li |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
129(5) |
1023–1034 |
68 |
Mapping of novel powdery mildew resistance gene(s) |
Lihui Li |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
DOI 10.1007/s00122-016-2797-9 |
1-13 |
69 |
Analysis of recombination QTLs, segregation distortion, and epistasis for fitness in maize multiple populations using ultra‑high‑density markers |
Tianyu Wang |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
129(9) |
1775-1784 |
70 |
A novel er1 allele and the development and validation of its functional marker for breeding pea (Pisum sativum L.) resistance to powdery mildew |
Zhu, Z |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
0040-5752 |
129(5) |
909-919 |
71 |
Development and characterization of chromosome segment substitution lines derived from Oryza rufipogon in the genetic background of O. sativa spp. indica cultivar 9311 |
杨庆文 |
BMC Genomics |
1471-2164 |
17:580 |
1-12 |
72 |
Genetic architecture of the maize kernel row number revealed by combining QTL mapping using a high-density genetic map and bulked segregant RNA sequencing |
Xie, C |
BMC Genomics |
1471-2164 |
17:915 |
1-10 |
73 |
Genetic dissection of maize plant architecture with an ultra-high density bin map based on recombinant inbred lines |
Xinhai Li |
BMC Genomics |
1471-2164 |
17:178 |
1-15 |
74 |
Transcriptome profiling and comparison of maize ear heterosis during the spikelet and floret differentiation stages |
Changling Huang |
BMC Genomics |
1471-2164 |
17:959 |
1-18 |
75 |
Genome-Wide Investigation and Expression Analyses of the Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Gene Family in Foxtail Millet |
You-Zhi Ma |
BMC Genomics |
1471-2164 |
17:840 |
1-12 |
76 |
An iNTT system for the large-scale screening of differentially expressed, nuclear-targeted proteins: cold-treatment-induced nucleoproteins in Rye (Secale cereale L.) |
You-Zhi Ma |
BMC Genomics |
1471-2164 |
17::189 |
1-12 |
77 |
Genome-wide analysis of autophagy-associated genes in foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) and characterization of the function of SiATG8a in conferring tolerance to nitrogen starvation in rice |
You-Zhi Ma |
BMC Genomics |
1471-2164 |
17:797 |
1-18 |
78 |
Numerous genetic loci identified for drought tolerance in the maize nested association mapping populations |
Yu Li |
BMC Genomics |
1471-2164 |
17:894 |
1-17 |
79 |
Nonfunctional alleles of long-day suppressor genes independently regulate flowering time |
杨庆文 |
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology |
1744-7909 |
58(6) |
540-548 |
80 |
The wheat MYB-related transcription factor TaMYB72 promotes flowering in rice. |
Kong X |
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology |
1672-9072 |
58(8) |
701-704 |
81 |
Identification and functional characterization of the AGO1 ortholog in maize |
Xie,C |
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology |
1744-7909 |
58(8) |
749-758 |
82 |
The wheat MYB-related transcription factor TaMYB72 promotes flowering in rice |
XY Kong |
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology |
1744-7909 |
58(8) |
701-704 |
83 |
Strand-specific RNA-Seq transcriptome analysis of genotypes with and without low-phosphorus tolerance provides novel insights into phosphorus-use efficiency in maize |
李文学 |
BMC Plant Biology |
1471-2229 |
16(1) |
222 |
84 |
Genetic analysis of phytoene synthase 1 (Psy1) gene function and regulation in common wheat |
Xianchun Xia |
BMC Plant Biology |
1471-2229 |
16:228 |
1-15 |
85 |
Genome-wide association analysis of forage quality in maize mature stalk |
Changling Huang |
BMC Plant Biology |
1471-2229 |
16:227 |
1-12 |
86 |
SNP-based analysis of genetic diversity reveals important alleles associated with seed size in rice |
Jianmin Wan |
BMC Plant Biology |
1471-2229 |
16:93 |
1-11 |
87 |
Genome-wide identification and evolutionary analysis of leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase genes in soybean |
Li-Juan Qiu |
BMC Plant Biology |
1471-2229 |
16:58 |
1-13 |
88 |
Drought-responsive WRKY transcription factor genes TaWRKY1 and TaWRKY33 from wheat confer drought and/or heat resistance in Arabidopsis |
Zhao-Shi Xu |
BMC Plant Biology |
1471-2229 |
16:116 |
1-16 |
89 |
Fine-mapping of qGW4.05, a major QTL for kernel weight and size in maize |
Tianyu Wang |
BMC Plant Biology |
1471-2229 |
16:81 |
1-13 |
90 |
Comprehensive analysis and discovery of drought-related NAC transcription factors in common bean |
王述民 |
BMC Plant Biology |
1471-2229 |
16:193 |
1-16 |
91 |
Overexpression of OsMYB1R1-VP64 fusion protein increases grain yield in rice by delaying flowering time. |
Jianmin Wan |
FEBS Lett |
0014-5793 |
590(19) |
3385-3396 |
92 |
Identification of pathogenic Fusarium spp. causing maize ear rot and potential mycotoxin production in China |
Xiaoming Wang |
Toxins |
2072-6651 |
8(6) |
186 |
93 |
Integrated assessment of the impact of enhanced-efficiency nitrogen fertilizer on N2O emission and crop yield |
张卫建 |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
0167-8809 |
231 |
218-228 |
94 |
Dissecting the Genetic Basis of Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode Combining Linkage and Association Mapping |
Li-juan Qiu |
Plant Genome |
1940-3372 |
9(2) |
1-11 |
95 |
Gene mapping and functional analysis of the novel leaf color gene SiYGL1 in foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv] |
Xianmin Diao |
Physiologia Plantarum |
0031-9317 |
157(1) |
24-37 |
96 |
Marker assisted pyramiding of two brown planthopper resistance genes, Bph3 and Bph27 (t), into elite rice Cultivars |
Jianmin Wan |
Rice |
1939-8425 |
9:27 |
1-7 |
97 |
Retention of deoxynivalenol and its derivatives during storage of wheat grain and flour |
王步军 |
Food Control |
0956-7135 |
65 |
177-181 |
98 |
OsHSD1, a hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, is involved in cuticleformation and lipid homeostasis in rice |
Jian-Min Wan |
Plant Science |
0168-9452 |
249 |
35–45 |
99 |
ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase large subunit 2 is essential for storage substance accumulation and subunit interactions in rice endosperm. |
Jian-Min Wan |
Plant Science |
0168-9452 |
249 |
70–83 |
100 |
Characterization of the Calcineurin B-Like (CBL) gene family in maize and functional analysis of ZmCBL9 under abscisic acid and abiotic stress treatments |
Zheng J. |
Plant Science |
0168-9452 |
253 |
118–129 |
101 |
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Broomcorn Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) Cultivars and Landraces in China Based on Microsatellite Markers |
陆平 |
International journal of Molecular Science |
1422-0067 |
17(3) |
1422-0067 |
102 |
Young Seedling Stripe1 encodes a chloroplast nucleoid-associated protein required for chloroplast development in rice seedlings |
Jianmin Wan |
Planta |
0032-0935 |
Doi: 10.1007/s00425-016-2590-7 |
1-16 |
103 |
Genetic analysis of a novel broad-spectrum powdery mildew |
Lihui Li |
Planta |
0032-0935 |
224(3) |
713–723 |
104 |
An intercalary translocation from Agropyron cristatum 6P chromosome into common wheat confers enhanced kernel number per spike |
Lihui Li |
Planta |
0032-0935 |
224(4) |
853–864 |
105 |
Isolation and application of P genome-specific DNA of Agropyron Gaertn. in Triticeaesequences |
Lihui Li |
Planta |
0032-0935 |
DOI 10.1007/s00425-016-2616-1 |
1-13 |
106 |
Characterization of resistance to the cereal cyst nematode in the soft white winter wheat ‘Madsen’ |
Li Hongjie |
Plant Disease |
0191-2917 |
100(4) |
679-685 |
107 |
Occurrence of Ascochyta blight caused by Ascochyta rabiei on chickpea in north China |
Zhu Z D |
Plant Disease |
0191-2917 |
100(7) |
1494 |
108 |
Occurrence of Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium dahlia on mung bean in northern China |
Zhu Z D |
Plant Disease |
0191-2917 |
100(8) |
1792 |
109 |
Dense planting with less basal nitrogen fertilization might benefit rice ricecropping for high yield with less environmental impacts |
张卫建 |
European Journal of Agronomy |
1161-0301 |
75 |
50-59 |
110 |
Differences in the impacts of nighttime warming on crop growth of rice-based cropping systems under field conditions |
张卫建 |
European Journal of Agronomy |
1161-0301 |
82(A) |
80-92 |
111 |
Antioxidant and immunoregulatory activity of alkali-extractabe polysaccharides from mung bean |
Guixing Ren |
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules |
0141-8130 |
84 |
289-294 |
112 |
Development of monoclonal antibody-based sensitive ELISA for the determination of Cry1Ie protein in transgenic plant |
王国英 |
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry |
1618-2642 |
408(28) |
8231-8239 |
113 |
Investigation of the ASR family in foxtail millet and the role of ASR1 in drought/oxidative stress tolerance |
You-Zhi Ma |
Plant Cell Report |
0721-7714 |
35(1) |
1-14 |
114 |
Wax crystal-sparse leaf 3 encoding a b-ketoacyl-CoA reductase is involved in cuticular wax biosynthesis in rice. |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Cell Report |
0721-7714 |
35(8) |
1687–1698 |
115 |
BRITTLE SHEATH1 encoding OsCYP96B4 is involved |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Cell Report |
0721-7714 |
35(4) |
745–755 |
116 |
Pyrophosphate: fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase (PFP) regulates carbon metabolism during grain filling in rice. |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Cell Report |
0721-7714 |
35(6) |
1321–1331 |
117 |
Brassinosteroid (BR) biosynthetic gene lhdd10 controls late heading and plant height in rice (Oryza sativa L.). |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Cell Report |
0721-7714 |
35(2) |
357–368 |
118 |
Interactive effects of temperature and moisture on CO2and CH4 production in a paddy soil under long-term different fertilization regimes |
张卫建 |
Biology and Fertility of Soils |
0178-2762 |
52(3) |
285-294 |
119 |
Effect of rice panicle size on paddy field CH4 emissions |
张卫建 |
Biology and Fertility of Soils |
0178-2762 |
52(3) |
389–399 |
120 |
Discovery of a Novel er1 Allele Conferring Powdery Mildew Resistance in Chinese Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Landraces |
Zhendong Zhu |
1932-6203 |
11(1) |
e0147624 |
121 |
Identification and Validation of Loci Governing Seed Coat Color by Combining Association Mapping and Bulk Segregation Analysis in Soybean |
Li-Juan Qiu |
1932-6203 |
11(7) |
e0159064 |
122 |
Comprehensive identification and bread-making quality evaluation of common wheat somatic variation line AS208 on glutenin composition |
Xingguo Ye |
1932-6203 |
11(1) |
e0146933 |
123 |
Development of gene-based SSR markers in rice bean (Vigna umbellata L.) based on transcriptome data |
Xuzhen Cheng |
1932-6203 |
11(3) |
e0151040 |
124 |
S SNP-Based Molecular Barcode for Characterization of Common Wheat |
XiuYing Kong |
1932-6203 |
11(3) |
e0150947 |
125 |
Phenotypic characterization and genetic dissection of growth period traits in soybean (Glycine max) using association mapping |
Li-Juan Qiu |
1932-6203 |
11(7) |
e0158602 |
126 |
The function and regulation mechanism of TsApx6 from Thellungiella salsuginea in response to salinity and drought stresses |
Li Hongjie |
1932-6203 |
11(4) |
e0154142 |
127 |
Genome-Wide Association of Stem Water Soluble Carbohydrates in Bread Wheat |
Zhonghu He |
1932-6203 |
11(11) |
e0164293 |
128 |
Phylogenetic Analysis, Lineage-Specific Expansion and Functional Divergence of seed dormancy 4-Like Genes in Plants |
Zhonghu He |
1932-6203 |
11(6) |
e0153717 |
129 |
Factors Affecting the Radiosensitivity of Hexaploid Wheat to -Irradiation: Radiosensitivity of Hexaploid Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) |
Luxiang Liu |
1932-6203 |
11(8) |
e0161700 |
130 |
Introgression of opaque2 into Waxy Maize Causes Extensive Biochemical and Proteomic Changes in Endosperm |
Zhang Shihuang |
1932-6203 |
11(7) |
e0158971 |
131 |
Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals the Genetic Basis of Stalk Cell Wall Components in Maize |
Changling Huang |
1932-6203 |
11(8) |
e0158906 |
132 |
Phosphatidylserine Synthase Controls Cell |
Jian Min Wan |
1932-6203 |
11(4) |
e0153119 |
133 |
The genetic basis of natural variation in kernel size and related traits using a four-way cross population in maize |
Luyan Zhang |
1932-6203 |
11(4) |
e0153428 |
134 |
Enhanced Rice Blast Resistance by CRISPR/Cas9-Targeted Mutagenesis of the ERF Transcription Factor Gene OsERF922 |
Kaijun Zhao |
1932-6203 |
11(4) |
e0154027 |
135 |
Joint Mapping and Allele Mining of the Rolled Leaf Trait in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) |
Zhikang Li |
1932-6203 |
11(7) |
e0158246 |
136 |
A Missense Mutation in the Zinc Finger Domain of OsCESA7 Deleteriously Affects Cellulose Biosynthesis and Plant Growth in Rice. |
李学勇 |
1932-6203 |
11(4) |
e0153993 |
137 |
OsLBD3-7 Overexpression Induced Adaxially Rolled Leaves in Rice |
Zhao, T |
1932-6203 |
11(6) |
e0156413 |
138 |
Production and Identification of Wheat- |
Weihua Liu |
1932-6203 |
11(1) |
e0145928 |
139 |
Transferring Desirable Genes from Agropyron cristatum 7P Chromosome into Common Wheat |
Lihui Li |
1932-6203 |
11(7) |
e0159577 |
140 |
Chromosomal Localization of Genes Conferring Desirable Agronomic Traits from Wheat-Agropyron cristatum Disomic Addition Line 5113 |
Lihui Li |
1932-6203 |
11(11) |
e0165957 |
141 |
Discovery of a novel er1 allele conferring powdery mildew resistance in Chinese pea (Pisum sativum L.) landraces |
Zhu Z |
1932-6203 |
11(1) |
e0147624 |
142 |
Comprehensive Mitochondrial Metabolic Shift during the Critical Node of Seed Ageing in Rice |
Xinxiong Lu |
1932-6203 |
11(4) |
e0148013 |
143 |
RNA Interference of the Ecdysone Receptor Genes EcR and USP in Grain Aphid (Sitobion avenae F.) Affects Its Survival and Fecundity upon Feeding on Wheat Plants |
Lanqin Xia |
Int. J. Mol. Sc |
1422-0067 |
17(12) |
2098 |
144 |
Variation in growth, colonization of maize and metabolic parameters of GFP- and DsRed-labeled Fusarium verticillioides strains |
Li Hongjie |
Phytopathology |
0031-949X |
106(8) |
890-899 |
145 |
Gibberellins regulate the stem elongation rate without affecting the mature plant height of a quick development mutant of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) |
Lu-Xiang Liu |
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry |
0981-9428 |
2016(107) |
228-236 |
146 |
CRL6, a member of the CHD protein family, is required for crown root development in rice. |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry |
0981-9428 |
2016(105) |
185-194 |
147 |
Microarray-based gene expression analysis of strong seed dormancy in rice cv. N22 and less dormant mutant derivatives. |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry |
0981-9428 |
2016(99) |
27-38 |
148 |
NtPHYB1K326, a homologous gene of Arabidopsis PHYB, positively regulates the content of phenolic compounds in tobacco |
张晓玫 |
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry |
0981-9428 |
2016(109) |
45-53 |
149 |
Dissection of combining ability for yield and related traits using introgression lines in the background of a key restorer line in rice (Oryza sativa L.) |
Gao Yongming |
Field Crops Research |
0378-4290 |
193 |
154-163 |
150 |
Trends in drought tolerance in Chinese maize cultivars from the 1950s to the 2000s |
Zhang Shihuang |
Field Crops Research |
0378-4290 |
doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2016.10.018 |
175-183 |
151 |
Optimized tillage practices and row spacing to improve grain yieldand matter transport efficiency in intensive spring maize |
Ming Zhao |
Field Crops Research |
0378-4290 |
2016, 198 |
258–268 |
152 |
Impact of recent breeding history on the competitiveness of Chinesemaize hybrids |
Shaokun Li |
Field Crops Research |
0378-4290 |
2016,191 |
75-82 |
153 |
Dissection of combining ability for yield and related traits usingintrogression lines in the background of a key restorer line in rice(Oryza sativa L.) |
Yongming Gao |
Field Crops Research |
0378-4290 |
193 |
154–163 |
154 |
Analyzing the effects of climate factors on soybean protein, oil contents and compositions by extensive and high-density sampling in China |
Song W,T Han |
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry |
0021-8561 |
64(20) |
4121–4130 |
155 |
RNAi-mediated plant protection against aphids |
You-Zhi Ma, Lan-Qin Xia |
Pest Management Science |
1526-498X |
72(6) |
1090-1098 |
156 |
Influence of ethnic traditional cultures on genetic diversity of rice landraces under on-farm conservation in southwest China |
韩龙植 |
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine |
1746-4269 |
12(51) |
1-14 |
157 |
Cryopreservation of Jerusalem Artichoke Cultivars using an Improved Droplet-vitrification Method |
Xiao-Ling Chen |
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) |
1573-5044 |
DOI:10.1007/s11240-016-1135-x |
1-11 |
158 |
The wheat transcription factor, TabHLH39, improves tolerance to multiple abiotic stressors in transgenic plants |
XY Kong |
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications |
0006-291X |
473(4) |
1321-1327 |
159 |
The wheat MYB transcription factor TaMYB18 regulates leaf rolling in rice |
XY Kong |
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications |
0006-291X |
481(1-2) |
77-83 |
160 |
The impact of resistant and susceptible wheat cultivars on the multiplication of Heterodera filipjevi and H. avenae in parasite-infected soil |
Wang Xiaoming, Li Hongjie |
Plant Pathology |
0032-0862 |
65(7) |
1192-1199 |
161 |
Disruption of OsARF19 is Critical for Floral Organ Development and Plant Architecture in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter |
0735-9640 |
34(4) |
748-760 |
162 |
Association mapping and genetic dissection of nitrogen use efficiency-related traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.). |
Jianmin Wan |
Functional & Integrative Genomics |
1438-793X |
16(3) |
323-333 |
163 |
Molecular variation and expansion of a rice black-streaked dwarf virus population based on analysis of segment 1 in Jining, China |
Weng Jianfeng |
Arch Virol |
0304-8608 |
161(12) |
3435-3443 |
164 |
Overlap between Signaling Pathways Responsive to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Infection and Drought Stress in Rice Introgression Line Revealed by RNA-Seq |
黎志康 |
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation |
0721-7595 |
35(2) |
345–356 |
165 |
Phenotypic evaluation and genetic dissection of resistance to Phytophthora sojae in the Chinese soybean mini core collection |
Lijuan Qiu |
BMC Genetics |
1471-2156 |
17(1) |
1-14 |
166 |
TaTGW6-A1, an ortholog of rice TGW6, is associated |
Zhonghu He |
Molecular Breeding |
1380-3743 |
36(1) |
1-8 |
167 |
Molecular mapping of stripe rust resistance gene YrJ22 in Chinese wheat cultivar Jimai 22 |
Xianchun Xia |
Molecular Breeding |
1380-3743 |
36(8) |
1-8 |
168 |
TaELF3-1DL, a homolog of ELF3, is associated with heading |
Zhonghu He |
Molecular Breeding |
1380-3743 |
36(12) |
1-9 |
169 |
Fine mapping of qKL1.07, a major QTL for kernel length in maize |
Yu Li |
Molecular Breeding |
1380-3743 |
36(1) |
1-9 |
170 |
Quantitative trait loci mapping of yield and related traits using a high-density genetic map of maize |
Yunsu Shi |
Molecular Breeding |
1380-3743 |
36(9) |
1-12 |
171 |
Potential of marker selection to increase prediction accuracy of genomic selection in soybean (Glycine max. L.) |
Lijuan Qiu |
Molecular Breeding |
1380-3743 |
36(8) |
1-10 |
172 |
Allelic variation and geographic distribution of vernalization genes HvVRN1 and HvVRN2 in Chinese barley germplasm |
张京 |
Molecular Breeding |
1380-3743 |
36(1) |
1-13 |
173 |
Combined small RNA and degradome sequencing to identify miRNAs and their targets in response to drought in foxtail millet |
Xianmin Diao |
BMC Genetics |
1471-2156 |
17(1) |
1-6 |
174 |
Physiological and molecular studies of stay green caused by pod removal and seed injury in soybean |
T Han |
The Crop Journal |
2095-5421 |
4(6) |
435-443 |
175 |
Dissection of heterosis for yield and related traits using populations derived from introgression lines in rice |
Gao Yongming |
The Crop Journal |
2214-5141 |
4(6) |
468-478 |
176 |
Cloning of the OAT gene and the correlation between its expression and drought tolerance in Phaseolus vulgaris L. |
WANG Shu-min |
The Crop Journal |
2095-3119 |
15(5) |
973–982 |
177 |
Large-scale evaluation of pea (Pisum sativum L.) germplasm for cold tolerance in the field during winter in Qingdao |
Xuxiao Zong |
The Crop Journal |
2095-3119 |
4(5) |
377-383 |
178 |
QTL and candidate genes associated with common bacterial blight resistance in the common bean cultivar Longyundou 5 from China |
王述民 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-3119 |
4(5) |
344-352 |
179 |
Molecular cloning and characterization of a gene encoding the proline transporter protein in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) |
王述民 |
The Crop Journal |
2095-3119 |
4(5) |
384-390 |
180 |
Analysis of simple sequence repeats in rice bean (Vigna umbellata) using an SSR-enriched library |
XuZhen Cheng |
The Crop Journal |
2095-3119 |
4(1) |
40-47 |
181 |
Construction of an integrated map and location of a bruchid resistance gene in mung bean |
Xuzhen Cheng |
The Crop Journal |
2095-3119 |
4(5) |
360-366 |
182 |
Two major er1 alleles confer powdery mildew resistance in three pea cultivars bred in Yunnan Province, China |
Zhu Z D |
The Crop Journal |
2214-5141 |
4(5) |
353-359 |
183 |
Genetic differentiation and diversity of Callosobruchus chinensis collections from China |
Wang X M. |
Bulletin of Entomological Research |
0007-4853 |
106(1) |
124–134 |
184 |
rDREB2A, a DREB-binding transcription factor from Vigna radiata, increased drought and high-salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana |
Xuzhen Cheng |
Journal of Plant Research |
0918-9440 |
129(2) |
263-273 |
185 |
A Rice White-stripe leaf3 (wsl3) Mutant Lacking an HD Domain-containing Protein Affects Chlorophyll Biosynthesis and Chloroplast Development |
Jianmin Wan |
Journal of Plant Biology |
1226-9239 |
59(3) |
282-292 |
186 |
Map-based cloning and functional analysis of the |
Cailin Lei |
Journal of Plant Biology |
1226-9239 |
59(5) |
496-505 |
187 |
Comprehensive analysis of differently expressed genes and proteins in albino and green plantlets from a wheat anther culture |
叶兴国 |
Biologia Plantrum |
0006-3134 |
doi:10.1007/s10535-016-0662-y |
1--11 |
188 |
A new disease of mung bean caused by Botrytis cinerea |
Zhu, Z |
Crop Protection |
0261-2194 |
85 |
52-56 |
189 |
Suppressive effects of barely β-glucans with different molecular weight on 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation |
Guixing Ren |
Journal of Food Science |
0022-1147 |
81(3) |
786-793 |
190 |
Effects of Vrn-D1b allele associated with facultative growth habit on agronomic traits in common wheat. |
Zhou Yang |
Euphytica |
0014-2336 |
211(1) |
113-122 |
191 |
Genome-wide linkage mapping of QTL for physiological traits in a Chinese wheat population using the 90K SNP array |
Zhonghu He |
Euphytica |
0014-2336 |
209(3) |
789-804 |
192 |
QTL mapping of grain arabinoxylan contents in common wheat using a recombinant inbred line population |
Yong Zhang |
Euphytica |
0014-2336 |
208(2) |
205–214 |
193 |
Identification of loci contributing to maize drought tolerance in a genome-wide association study |
Li Xinhai |
Euphytica |
0014-2336 |
210(2) |
165-179 |
194 |
Fine mapping of qKW7, a major QTL for kernel weight and width in maize, confirmed by the combined analytic approaches of linkage and association |
Yunsu Shi |
Euphytica |
0014-2336 |
0014-2336 |
221-232 |
195 |
Effects of the wheat UDP-glucosyltransferase gene TaUGT-B2 on Agrobacterium mediated plant transformation |
叶兴国 |
Acta Physiol Plant |
0137-5881 |
39: 15 |
1-11 |
196 |
Characterization and fine mapping of SiDWARF2 (D2) in foxtail millet |
Xianmin Diao |
Crop Science |
0011-183X |
56(1) |
95-103 |
197 |
Seventy-five years of improvement of yield and agronomic traits of soybean cultivars released in the Yellow-Huai-Hai River Valley |
T Han |
Crop Science |
0011-183X |
56(5) |
2354–2364 |
198 |
Comparison of Economically Important |
Zhonghu He |
Crop Science |
0011-183X |
56(1) |
287-301 |
199 |
Genetically Mediated Changes in the Grain Quality of Single-Cross Maize Hybrids Grown in China |
Tianyu Wang |
Crop Science |
0011-183X |
2016,56(1) |
132-142 |
200 |
Characterization of a Novel Wheat– |
Li,Lihui |
Crop Science |
0011-183X |
56(5) |
1-11 |
201 |
Temporal-spatial characterization of nutritional and bioactive components of soybean cultivars in China |
T Han |
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society |
0003-021X |
93(12) |
1637-1654 |
202 |
Temporospatial Characterization of Nutritional and Bioactive components of |
Tianfu Han |
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' |
0003-021X |
93(12) |
1637-1654 |
203 |
Construction of chromosomal segment substitution lines and genetic dissection of introgressed segments associated with yield determination in the parents of a super-hybrid rice. |
Jianmin Wan |
Plant Breeding |
0179-9541 |
135(1) |
63–72 |
204 |
Fine mapping of a day-length-sensitive dwarf gene in rice |
Min Wang |
Plant Breeding |
0179-9541 |
135(5) |
580-587 |
205 |
Genetic Diversity of Seven Representative Germplasm Populations in Chinese Maize Breeding Programs |
Li Xinhai |
Agronomy Journal |
0002-1962 |
108(5) |
1787-1793 |
206 |
Maize Grain Yield and Dry Matter Production rsponses to Variations in Weather Conditions |
Ming Zhao |
Agronomy Journal |
1435-0645 |
108(1) |
196-204 |
207 |
Climatic Conditions varied by Planting Date Affects Maize Yield in Central China |
Ming Zhao |
Agronomy Journal |
1435-0645 |
108(3) |
966-977 |
208 |
Cytological and molecular analysis of wheat-Agropyron cristatum translocation lines with 6P chromosome fragments conferring superior agronomic traits in common wheat |
Lihui Li |
Genome |
0831-2796 |
59(10) |
840-850 |
209 |
Occurrence and iidentification of Nothophoma quercina causing brown spot of jujube in China |
Duan Canxing |
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology |
0706-0661 |
38(4) |
1-13 |
210 |
Evolution of the PEBP gene family and selective signature on FT-like clade |
Jian-Min Wan |
Journal of Systematics |
1759-6831 |
54(5) |
502-510 |
211 |
Integrative impacts of soil tillage on crop yield, N use efficiency and greenhouse gas emission in wheat-corn cropping system |
张卫建 |
International Journal of Plant Production |
1735-6814 |
10(3) |
317-334 |
212 |
Actual impacts of global warming on winter wheat yield in Eastern Himalayas |
张卫建 |
International Journal of Plant Production |
1735-6814 |
10(2) |
159-174 |
213 |
Occurrence of charcoal rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina, an emerging disease of adzuki bean in China |
Zhu Z |
Journal of Phytopathology |
0931-1785 |
164(3) |
212–216 |
214 |
Stability of growth periods traits for soybean cultivars across multiple locations |
QIU Li-juan |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(5) |
963–972 |
215 |
Identification of a new stripe rust resistance gene in Chinese winter |
XIA Xian-chun |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(11) |
2461–2468 |
216 |
Characterization of A- and B-type starch granules in Chinese wheat |
HE Zhong-hu |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(10) |
2203–2214 |
217 |
The causes and impacts for heat stress in spring maize during grain filling in the North China Plain - A review |
TAO Zhi-qiang |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(12) |
2677-2687 |
218 |
The identification of presence/absence variants associated with the apparent differences of growth period structures between cultivated and wild soybeans |
QIU Li-juan |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(2) |
262–270 |
219 |
Genetic diversity center of cultivated soybean (Glycine max) in China - New insight and evidence for the diversity center of Chinese cultivated soybean |
QIU Li-juan |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(11) |
2481–2487 |
220 |
Creation of gene-specific rice mutants by AvrXa23-based TALENs |
ZHAO Kai-jun |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(1) |
60345-7 |
221 |
The NAC-like transcription factor SiNAC110 in foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) confers tolerance to drought and high salt stress through an ABA independent signaling pathway |
XIE Li-na, ZHANG Xiao-hong |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(1) |
60345-60347 |
222 |
A genetic evidence of chromosomal fragment from bridge parent existing in substitution lines between two common wheat varieties |
YE Xing-guo |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(1) |
60345-7 |
223 |
Polymorphism and association analysis of a drought-resistant gene TaLTP-s in wheat. |
Jing Ruilian |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(6) |
1198–1206 |
224 |
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms, gene mapping and association analysis of 1-FFT-A1 gene in wheat. |
JING Rui-lian |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(0) |
60345-60347 |
225 |
Mapping QTLs for stomatal density and size under drought stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). |
Jing Ruilian |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(9) |
1955–1967 |
226 |
Mapping of the heading date gene HdAey2280 in Aegilops tauschii |
GX Liu, X Liu |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(12) |
2719-2725 |
227 |
Gene and protein expression profi ling analysis of young spike |
LI Li-hui |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(4) |
744–754 |
228 |
Evaluation of selenium and carotenoid concentrations of 200 foxtail millet accessions from China and their correlation with agronomic performance |
陆平 |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
2095-3119 |
15(7) |
1449-1457 |
229 |
运用光谱参数冠层覆盖度建立作物长势及氮营养状态模型 |
赵明 |
Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis |
1000-0593 |
31(1) |
231-236 |
230 |
不同耐热型春玉米品种对高温的光谱特征响应 |
陶志强 |
Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis |
1000-0593 |
36(2) |
520-526 |
231 |
Genetic variation of carotenoids in Chinese bread wheat cultivars and the effect of the 1BL.1RS translocation |
Zhonghu HE |
Front. Agr. Sci. Eng |
2095-7505 |
3(2) |
124-130 |
232 |
甜高粱茎汁及茎渣同步糖化发酵工艺优化 |
王智, 顿宝庆 |
农业工程学报 |
1002-6819 |
3 |
253-258 |
233 |
追氮时期和施钾量对小麦氮素吸收运转的调控 |
郭明明,王 雨 |
植物营养与肥料学报 |
1008-505X |
22(3) |
590 -597 |
234 |
不同耕作方式下缓释肥对夏玉米产量及氮素利用效率的影响 |
赵明 |
植物营养与肥料学报 |
1008-505X |
22(3) |
821-829 |
235 |
覆膜对长江中游春玉米氮肥利用效率及土壤速效氮素的影响 |
赵明 |
植物营养与肥料学报 |
1008-505X |
22(2) |
296-306 |
236 |
增密减氮对东北水稻产量、氮肥利用效率及温室效应的影响 |
张卫建 |
应用生态学报 |
1001-9332 |
27(2) |
453-461 |
237 |
遮阴和种植密度对东北春玉米穗部发育和植株生产力的影响 |
陈涛,张卫建 |
应用生态学报 |
1001-9332 |
27(10) |
3237-3246 |
238 |
2004-2013年东北三省主要粮食作物生产碳足迹 |
张卫建 |
应用生态学报 |
1001-9332 |
27(10) |
3307-3315 |
239 |
施氮及花后土壤相对含水量对黑粒小麦灌浆期氮素吸收转运及分配的影响 |
王 美,王 雨 |
中国生态农业学报 |
1671-3990 |
24(7) |
864-873 |
240 |
大豆14-3-3蛋白与转录因子蛋白GmMYB173的互作 |
蒋炳军 |
作物学报 |
0496-3490 |
42(10) |
1419-1428 |
241 |
玉米ZmPP6C基因的克隆及其响应光质和胁迫处理的表达模式分析 |
杨建平 |
作物学报 |
0496-3490 |
42(2) |
170–179 |
242 |
如何制作分子生物学论文的图版? |
杨建平 |
作物学报 |
0496-3490 |
42(3) |
456-465 |
243 |
两个玉米ZmCRY1a基因的克隆及响应光质处理的表达模式分析. |
杨建平 |
作物学报 |
0496-3490 |
42(9) |
1298-1308 |
244 |
小麦DELLA获得性突变体矮变1号增强了幼苗的抗盐能力. |
杨建平 |
作物学报 |
0496-3490 |
42(11) |
1721-1726 |
245 |
玉米光敏色素A1与A2在各种光处理下的转录表达特性 |
杨建平 |
作物学报 |
0496-3490 |
42 (10) |
1462-1470 |
246 |
普通小麦类胡萝卜素组分的超高效液相色谱分离方法 |
何中虎 |
作物学报 |
0496-3490 |
42(5) |
706-713 |
247 |
不同密度下玉米穗部性状的 QTL 分析 |
刘志芳 |
作物学报 |
0496-3490 |
42(11) |
1592-1600 |
248 |
小麦TaVIP1家族基因克隆、分子特性及功能分析 |
叶兴国 |
作物学报 |
0496-3490 |
43(1) |
43-51 |