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骨干:李文学 - 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所

姓  名:李文学     性 别:男   
职  称:研究员    
课 题 组:玉米分子育种

    近年来在miRNA适应养分、水分的研究中取了一定成绩。发表SCI论文21篇,总影响力因子124.1,他引787次;第一作者/通讯作者发表/接收SCI论文14篇,包括Plant Cell、New Phytologist等国际知名杂志,总影响力因子58.7,他引次数590次;作为第一完成人获得发明专利3项。培养博士生生5名,硕士生8名。
    2009年入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才”计划, 2013年获农科院“首届金龙鱼农业英才奖’.
2.“七大农作物育种”试点专项 (参加人)
1.Gao W, Liu W, Zhao M, Li WX*. 2015. NERF encodes a RING E3 ligase important for drought resistance and enhances the expression of its antisense gene NFYA5 in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research 43:607-617 (*corresponding author).
2.Zhang H, Xu R, XieC, Huang C, Liao H, Xu Y, Wang J*, Li WX*. 2015. Large-scale evaluation of maize germplasm for low-phosphorus tolerance. PLoS ONE. 10(5):e0124212 (*corresponding author).
3.Zhang H, Uddin MS, Zou C, Xie C, Xu Y, Li WX. 2014. Meta-analysis and candidate gene mining of low-phosphorus tolerance in maize. JIPB 56: 262-270 (*corresponding author).
4.Liu W, Tai H, Li S, Gao W, Zhao M, Xie C*, Li WX*. 2014. bHLH122 is important for drought and osmotic stress resistance in Arabidopsis and in the repression of ABA catabolism. New Phytologist 201: 1192-1204 (*corresponding author).
5.Zhao M, Tai H, Sun S, Zhang F, Xu Y and Li WX*. 2012. Cloning and characterization of maize miRNAs involved in responses to nitrogen deficiency. PLoS ONE 7: e29669 (*corresponding author).
6.Zhao M, Ding H, Zhu JK, Zhang F and Li WX*. 2011. Involvement of miR169 in the nitrogen-starvation responses in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 190: 906-915 (*corresponding author).
7.Ding H, Duan L, Li H, Yan H, Zhao M, Zhang F and Li WX*. 2010. Cloning and functional analysis of the peanut iron transporter AhIRT1 during iron deficiency stress and intercropping with maize. Journal of Plant physiology 167: 996-1002 (*corresponding author).
8.Ding H, Duan LH, Wu HL, Yang RX, Ling HQ, Li WX* and Zhang FS*, 2009. Regulation of AhFRO1, an Fe(III)-chelate reductase of peanut, during iron deficiency stress and intercropping with maize. Physiologia Plantarum 136 : 274-283 (*corresponding author).
9.Li WX , Oono Y, Zhu J, He XJ, Wu JM, Iida K, Lu XY, Cui J, Jin H, and Zhu JK, 2008, The Arabidopsis NFYA5 transcription factor is regulated transcriptionally and posttranscriptionally to promote drought resistance. Plant Cell 20: 2238-2251.
3.李文学,潘晓英。 拟南芥SRPR1在植物逆境胁迫中的应用。中国,授权公告日:2012年6月20日;专利号:ZL201010292194.9